Weight Tracker

Thursday, September 18, 2008

More test to go…

Today Josh took Aiden to see the Gastro-intronologist. Tomorrow at noon, they will do a test in conjunction with the pulmonologist, where they put Aiden under anesthesia and watch his digestion and breathing. I am a little nervous, just because they say it takes longer for infants to come out of anesthesia and I am not sure exactly how long it will take. I am really hoping that I can be in the room with him while they do this. So be praying for us…

The dr. increased (doubled) Aiden’s reflux meds to see if that would help him. Well I better be getting ready to go home.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tripping to the Children's Museum

So at the end of August, Gabby got a new baby sister (Emmalyne). So as a welcome home gift to mom, Josh took Gabby, Ed and Jonah to the Children's museum for the day. I think they all really enjoyed it, especially my future construction worker...well, maybe he can still be a doctor.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The tests are in...

And nothing... Everything was negative and is immune system is fine, so back to step two. The first steps program is going to work with Aiden on his sucking strength and breathing techniques, which may end up being a waste of time since he will start using a cup in the next two months.

Aiden is starting to get his mobility figured out. He is now able to roll both ways from back to front and front to back. He has been starting to scoot back when he is on his tummy, as well he is figuring out to putting his knees under him. So it may not be to long before his is crawling. I really hate that I am missing most of these milestones, it seems that I had more time in the evenings to spend with Jonah while he was an infant.

Well just a little update… This weekend we will be going to the RedBull GP Motorcycle races at the track, so I will let you all know how cool that is next week.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Spur of the moment trip

This past weekend we decided to take a trip to Iowa. It was really fun, though there never seems to be enough time to get everything we want to get done, done. We were able to get together with several of the family members for Frank’s pizza on Saturday night and we spent about 3-3.5 hours laughing, eating, and chasing kids around (typical Bos reunion J). Then we took the boys to get Whitey’s ice cream- which Jonah did not care for the cotton candy, but instead wanted mom’s strawberry cheesecake in a waffle cone- at one point he handed me his spoon and grabbed the cone out of my hand, like here mom I think this is a fair trade.

Sunday, we woke up, had breakfast in the hotel, and then went to church. After church we made a stop at Reifies for lunch, which is always good. For some reason Pepsi always tastes a thousand times better there, than here and I filled up for the road. Jonah ate most of his salad and was ok with the bishops bread ( I am not sure what is wrong with him, that stuff is the best) and then he barely touched his actual lunch. After lunch, we went to visit with Tim and Meghan while they were waiting for Tim’s softball game to start. (Note… Gabby was not at the ballgame, but we seen her Sat. night while Jenny was babysitting) We compared our two and Miss Gabby is the same weight as Aiden and like a thousand times longer.

I guess I still have a butterball turkey.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

See I told ya I would write more...

Well Aiden went to the pulmnologist yesterday and he is pretty much the same. They decided to do the blood work for food allergies (to test for a milk allergy and wheat) and a full immunology panel. We should have the results in a week. They also decided to send us to a gastro-internologist, since Aiden is spitting up an hour and half after eating, so there may be an stomach emptying problem. Then after we meet with the gastro, the pulmonologist and gastro drs will do a procedure where they put him under and then watch his digestive system and his lungs after eating. Even with all this going on, he is still a happy go lucky guy and weights 15 lbs 4oz.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Well, hello everyone…

Sorry I have not posted anything in a couple of weeks. Things have been super busy and stressful… Where should I start…

About mid August, Josh lost his job and is having trouble finding a new one. God has definitely providing for us. He currently is sick and not feeling very well. But he was notified last week that he will start getting unemployment pay. So just keep us in your prayers.

Aiden is still having respiratory problems, we have been to a pulmonologist and have had several test done. He is a GERDling (refluxer) like Jonah was, then he has a cystic fibrosis test done (which was negative), he has been some breathing medicines (albuterol and pulmicort). We had our first First Steps visit today (First steps is a state funded OT and PT in-home services) which they think he might actually have a milk allergy and they are bring in a nutritionist for him. Tomorrow we go back to the pulmonologist for a recheck.

Jonah is doing good. He has recently learned uh-uh with attitude from daycare, but he is not liking the results of saying it. So I don’t believe that it will last long. He has also started the throwing himself on the floor and screaming. When I spoke to my mom, she just said “Welcome to the terrible twos”….my response “Oh joy” .

Beyond the stress of work and everything going on, I am doing ok. Just more tired than normal, but then who would not be tired with two boys under two…. :)

I will try to post some pictures of the boys tonight when I get home, because they both are growing up to fast… I mean Jonah will be 2 in a month and half.

I promise to write more often….