Sorry I have not posted anything in a couple of weeks. Things have been super busy and stressful… Where should I start…
About mid August, Josh lost his job and is having trouble finding a new one. God has definitely providing for us. He currently is sick and not feeling very well. But he was notified last week that he will start getting unemployment pay. So just keep us in your prayers.
Aiden is still having respiratory problems, we have been to a pulmonologist and have had several test done. He is a GERDling (refluxer) like Jonah was, then he has a cystic fibrosis test done (which was negative), he has been some breathing medicines (albuterol and pulmicort). We had our first First Steps visit today (First steps is a state funded OT and PT in-home services) which they think he might actually have a milk allergy and they are bring in a nutritionist for him. Tomorrow we go back to the pulmonologist for a recheck.
Jonah is doing good. He has recently learned uh-uh with attitude from daycare, but he is not liking the results of saying it. So I don’t believe that it will last long. He has also started the throwing himself on the floor and screaming. When I spoke to my mom, she just said “Welcome to the terrible twos”….my response “Oh joy” .
Beyond the stress of work and everything going on, I am doing ok. Just more tired than normal, but then who would not be tired with two boys under two…. :)
I will try to post some pictures of the boys tonight when I get home, because they both are growing up to fast… I mean Jonah will be 2 in a month and half.
I promise to write more often….