This past weekend we went on a whirlwind tour of Iowa…so for the boys, this was a long weekend in the car seats. We got to the QCs around 11pm (Indiana time) and made a “quick” pit stop at Frank’s Pizza for Italian beef sandwiches and sausage and mushroom pizza. (yummy, my mouth is starting to water just thinking about it). After that snack J, we decided it was time to get the boys to bed….just Jonah did not want to go to bed and he got a little too noisy at the hotel and we………GOT A CALL from the front desks about the noise. Oooppps! Sorry to whoever was below us. But do you blame the kid, 6 hours in a car seat and a powernap to boot…
Saturday, we went to surprise Aunt Peggy (she did not know we were coming for her birthday) and go to the apple orchard with her and Casey. It was pretty cold and windy, but we had fun. We first went to Thompson, IL to a road side stand (1hr in car seats), then we went to a General Store in Clinton, IA…it was like to largest junk store full of old crap, but it was neat. Jen- It still smelled the same J We then headed back to Hampton, IL to have a chicken and dumplings dinner at Grandma’s old church, but when we got there they had a hour and half wait….Thought going through my head at this point….ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!....Since Josh, the boys and I had to be at Tim and Meghan’s by 6:30, we decided to skip eating there and would stop at Wendy’s on the way. It was really nice to see everyone and get to spend a little time with them…Congrats, Nicole (hope everything is going well).
Saturday night, we met with Tim, Meghan and Crabby Gabby (those she was not really that bad) for the Bettendorf Halloween parade. Which we all had a great time and to watch three grownups chase after candy in the street was pretty funny. Though we have decided that we will always be in that spot, Jonah left with a grocery sack full of candy. We had to dump the pumpkin out twice before the parade was over. The funny thing was Jonah made all assumptions that the bag was his, so every time someone touched it in the van, he would start screaming “MINE!, MINE!, MINE!”. After the parade, we went back to their house and played a little Wii, which Josh and I decided that we want one. Once Jonah started having several meltdowns, we decided it was time to go back to the hotel.
Sunday, was a long day… Aiden decided 4:45am was the perfect time to get Mom up, but we had to leave by 7am to get home. I was able to get everything packed up, the kids changed, and Jonah feed, before Josh even got out of bed. It was a successful morning, we left the hotel at 7, went to Sonic to grab breakfast, and off we went. We made a couple stops on the way home, but we made it back to Indy at 1pm. We went and picked up my mom, then headed to Noblesville to catch the Pumpkin Train which was a part of Jonah’s birthday. The Pumpkin train is a passenger train that goes to a pumpkin patch about 30 mins away. It was really great, though cold and windy. Jonah got to go into the engine and look around, they had a petting zoo, a hay bale maze, and of course…pumpkins. Jonah was so proud to pick out his own pumpkin and carry it around. We spent about an hour at the patch and then got back on the train and head to the station.
Oh…..what a weekend.
Saying Goodbye
3 years ago