The past couple of weeks have been extremely hectic with Josh being gone so much. He left for San Diego on Thurs. the 6th, then got home LATE Tues. the 10th, then left for the QCs on Sat. the 15th, came home at 3am on Mon. the 17th, then left Mon. afternoon to go back to the QCs, and we finally got home last night. Seriously, no wonder the boys were missing him. The boys were staying with my mom while she was on vacation and I think she greatly enjoyed that. I was leaving in the mornings around 6:15 and then would get back home between 7:30-8 pm (or just in time to go back to bed). What a tiring week.
Since he has been gone and I have barely had enough time to even think once I get home, the house looks like a bomb has gone off and there are no survivors. So I will be cleaning every night this week to get ready for company on Thursday. I kinda wish I could take a day or two off to get everything ready, but that’s not going to happen.
We were in the QCs for Uncle Larry’s funeral, which was just beautiful and he looked really good. I know everyone says that, but he actually did look really good. This was only my third catholic funeral and I really enjoy all the traditions and rituals that are apart of them, though I can live without the smell of the incenses (I have to double my allergy meds). I would like to thank Terry, Kurt, Thad, and Rick for including everyone in the funeral. I never expected to or anticipated in actually get to participate in the funeral, but I am so grateful that I was asked to.
It was very nice to spend time with the family, even though it was under those circumstances. After the service, the church provided a meal for us and it was great. The boys behaved really well for the most part, Jonah was having some problems sharing. Josh’s cousin has a little boy (Isaac) the same age as Jonah. Isaac really wanted to play with Jonah and his trains, well Jonah wanted nothing to do with Isaac touching his trains. No matter how hard we tried to get him to share, he was not going for it. And I swear not more than 10 mins after giving up on them playing together, about 5 girls came over to play with Jonah and he was like “the big man on campus” and they all played with the trains. Then it turned into them chasing him around the room to make him giggle. Only two and already a ladies’ man, I am not sure what I am going to do when he becomes a teen.
While we were there, we got to spend some time with Tim, Meghan and Gabby (aka the future Mrs. Shumaker). Josh actually spent the entire week with them (again thank you for taking in my homeless husband) and he managed to become second daddy to Gabby and she was a replacement for Aiden. We had scheduled a night of Wii and drinking, but since the Iowa game was on (YEAH! Iowa won 55-0) it turned out a little different than we planned. And for the first time since before Jonah was born I was actually drunk, but not a bad drunk just more on the fuzzy fun side (I laugh a lot when I am drunk and then get really sleepy). But we pretty much sat at the kitchen counter or table and talked. I was kinda sad to go back to the hotel, but Jonah was going into super meltdown and Gabby was almost beyond the point of no return. We need to plan a vacation together and actually spend some time together.
So that is a very brief catch up of our lives.
Saying Goodbye
3 years ago
1 comment:
We (I) enjoyed the week. It was great to have "second Daddy" around! I hope you both know you are always welcome in our home. (As long as the Merlot stays away from the couch!) We love you both so much and had a blast - as usual - with you guys! I wish you could come back more often and for better reasons! Take care of my baby's future hubby!
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