Today, Aiden went to the dr. for his 12 month check-up (I know it was a month late, and I am not taking claim to it's late-ness). He is a very chunky 23.6 lbs (50%) and he was 50% in height (Josh did not tell me what his height was). But the poor kid has an ear infection, which explains his grumpy-ness. But with all the teeth that have been popping up in his mouth it is no wonder he has an ear infection.
Earlier this week (Tuesday) it was beautiful outside and I was working from home that afternoon while Josh had a job interview. The boys really enjoyed being able to be outside since it has rained so much here lately. We went through 1 and 1/2 containers of bubbles between the bubble lawnmower and the bubble machine (aka mom).
On a side note: Josh interview went ok, but we have not heard anything back.
Sorry I have not taken any pictures lately. I am slacking again.
Saying Goodbye
3 years ago
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