Since I love to read, I decided that I would sign up to be a book review for Thomas Nelson Publishing. The first book I selected was Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah. This is not a book is not one that I would have gone to the bookstore and picked out on my own. As I usually lean towards Amish Fiction or family focused. This book however was a very good and easy read. I became engrossed in the every page with all details in facts, solid Bible referencing and humor. He was able to grasp the questions I have been having about where the world is and was able to give me ease in what I have been feeling. His focus on the “One and Another” ministry and the sacred need as Christians growing through the one on one and small group ministries, truly touched my heart. As Christians, we should be focused on God and preparing those around us for our journey home.
This book is great for those who feel that they have lost everything, those who have questions about where this world is going, and for those who are looking for reassurance in God’s plans. I will definitely be passing this book along.
Welcome to the book blogging club! How fun! OK . . . I just put you on my blog roll! Get blogging girlfriend!!!
Thank you for your review of Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World! I work with Thomas Nelson, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Dr. Jeremiah’s book. Since you enjoyed Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, I wanted to see if you would be interested in reviewing a completely revised and updated version of a Billy Graham prophecy classic – Storm Warning. Thomas Nelson just rereleased this book, and it has already hit the New York Times best-seller list. I believe it is going on the Booksneeze list, but if you haven't signed up for it yet, I'd love to send you a copy!
If you are interested, please contact me with your mailing address, and I will get the book out to you!
Jodi Hughes
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