Well I have not been keeping to my promise of blogging more…Thank you GranolaMom for “reminding” me. For the last two weeks, we have had some colds that hit everyone and Bubba has a double ear infection. So to say it has been kind of miserable in our household is an understatement. So that is my excuse.
About two weeks ago, I was invited by a friend to join a book club with her and some other ladies that I know from church. This is really exciting to me, because I have always wanted to do one with all the reading I do but never have. So of course I was “yes, sign me up” and then she told me that they were reading the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. My thinking- “Oh, classic I have never read. I can do this within two weeks.” I did not realize that it was 618 pages and at first I was thinking “What have I gotten myself into?” But I rose to the challenge (with a little help of 2 sick days) and finished the book by this past Saturday morning. Yes, the house did not get clean nor did the laundry. But the kids did get fed and bathed, so it was not a complete distraction.
The book was great, but I will discuss that in the next post. Last night was my first meeting of the book club, which we meet at a coffee/bakery place pretty close to my house (which was really nice and convenient). At first I was a little worried, because I was not fully sure that I was at the right place because there is another one about 10 miles down the road and I was the only one there. But I figured if no one else was there by seven, then I would head to the other one. So I ordered my large chai tea and a glass of water, but it wasn’t long before another member showed up.
The group was great. There were 7 of us and all the different backgrounds of everyone. We had a very good discussion about the book through the use of questions on cards. I had never seen the cards before, but they were really good and did create some discussion. It was interesting to see all the different versions of the book everyone had.
Thank you for inviting me to join and I am looking forward to our next meeting.
Saying Goodbye
3 years ago
1 comment:
HI! I just found your blog through Jodi's! I'm SOOO glad you came and enjoyed the book club!!! It's so excited to see it grow! We were so little for so long. Your input was excellent! I'm thankful you had time to read it on such short notice (but not thankful you were sick while doing so)
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