The nervousness of the surgery is beginning to creep in and I have found myself waking up at night running through the list of what I need to take to the hospital, what the boys will need while they are at the grandparents, did I get all the things I need for after the surgery, and what work items do I need to bring home for me to work on. Though these are not earth shattering things or uncommon things to that should be waking me at night and I know that God will be there with me, but my nature is to worry and over plan everything. So please be praying for me, my family, the surgeons and nurses.
I'll be praying!! keep us updated! (my email is
So how are you feeling? Do you need anything?
GM4G and Sarah, I am doing great and recovering pretty fast. I have been amazed at how I am bouncing back and no bothered by food or other eating around me. I will see you Monday night. :)
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