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Friday, December 18, 2009

A Big Shu Christmas

So for several months, big shu has been planning and plotting this year’s Christmas light display. At the beginning of the month he officially turned it on and our house could be seen from the space station…well not really that far, but pretty darn close. Big Shu has setup his own website (http://www.shumakerchristmaslights.com/index.html) for them with a couple pictures and some video from last year and this year. So come on by and enjoy a little lights.

Here is a sample of our house in daylight:

The Language of Love & Respect by Cracking the Communication Code With Your Mate Book Review

The Language of Love & Respect by Cracking the Communication Code With Your Mate was more a let-down, with the notion that it would help with communication with new improved techniques. I did not feel that there was no new information presented, just techniques re-worded or renamed. It was not hard to get caught up with what Dr. Eggerichs had written in his first book because he did a nice job of reviewing the material.

In the past I have read several of the male vs female communication books (ie men are from mars, women are from Venus and the five love languages) and found those more helpful with communication.
Though for those who are new to the idea of communicating with the opposite sex, this book is helpful is seeing where others are coming from in their communication and what drives them. This would be a great book for a couple to review in a pre-marriage counseling to see how their partner’s communication style is and how to overcome some of the typical challenges relationships face.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Closer: Devotions to Draw Couples Together By: Jim Burns, Cathy Burns

I found this devotional amazing…I have never read a book by the Burns, but I want to read more after reading this one. The devotionals were laid out exceptionally well, they were short and very direct in where you need to go. As well the conversation starts were very helpful and really made you consider your answers. This is a devotional that was easy for us to get through with each devotional topic being for a week time-frame and with our hectic lives we never really have the daily time to devote, but are able to consider things through the week to bring back to our marriage.

The activity I enjoyed the most was actually writing out how we first met through today. We have been together for a little over 12 years and though we still talk about it, we never had never really written it down. This is something that I plan to pass down to my kids as the grow older. This is appropriate for dating through longtime married couples.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Next time read the fine print

When you are inducted into parenthood, you never really think about the fine print that comes with being a parent. I swear that the day after thanksgiving shopping for toys was in the fine print, but I do not remember the clause that state you had to get up before the crack of dawn. This year, Santa is bringing the boys each a power wheel jeep. Santa knows that with two boys so close in age that you have to buy either two one-seaters or one two-seater. As well, Santa knows to shop for bargains. This year Wal-mart had a great deal on them, so Santa made the decision to head to wally world at 3:30 am to get one or two. OMG! The parking lot was almost full and the items could not be bought until 5 am.

The store was complete crazy-ness. The carts were parked down isles and they had roped off lines of where people were to be (and not be). Of course the jeeps, bikes, and big tvs would all be in the same line and of course that line would be in the toddler’s clothes. Why where else would it be??? So after 2 ½ hours of waiting, 1 fight, and three separate lines for getting the actual merchandise…we had two jeep power wheels, a tom tom, and a bike…then off to grandma’s to store all of it until Santa makes his arrival.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Yes, I know this is late. But late is better than never.  Thanksgiving was great this year, almost. We had originally three thanksgiving dinners, but we only did two. The first one was at my cousin’s house. When I was younger, my mom’s family use to get together for every occasion (birthdays, holidays, just cause), but after my grandparents moved out of town it became less frequent and then when my grandmother died they became non-existent. So this year, my cousin decided to invite the entire family for Thanksgiving. It was great! I truly miss seeing them all. This was the first holiday the boys have spent time with my family, besides my mom and brother. I think they loved it. There was a group of young kids that included a 6 yr old, 4 yr old, 3 yr old, and 3- 1 ½ year olds. Yes! 3 kids who are 1 1/2 year olds. It was crazy, but so much fun.

Our second dinner was with my in-laws, it was a very traditional sit down family dinner. We had the traditional spread of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, pink salad, rolls, sweet potatoes and a relish tray. Which is very different from my family’s free-for-all buffet dinner. I always enjoy having family dinners because it was something that I never did as a child.

I am thankfully for both of my families, their drama and all.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Review of Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah

Since I love to read, I decided that I would sign up to be a book review for Thomas Nelson Publishing. The first book I selected was Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah. This is not a book is not one that I would have gone to the bookstore and picked out on my own. As I usually lean towards Amish Fiction or family focused. This book however was a very good and easy read. I became engrossed in the every page with all details in facts, solid Bible referencing and humor. He was able to grasp the questions I have been having about where the world is and was able to give me ease in what I have been feeling. His focus on the “One and Another” ministry and the sacred need as Christians growing through the one on one and small group ministries, truly touched my heart. As Christians, we should be focused on God and preparing those around us for our journey home.

This book is great for those who feel that they have lost everything, those who have questions about where this world is going, and for those who are looking for reassurance in God’s plans. I will definitely be passing this book along.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

To Bear,

With your sudden and unexpected early entrance in to this world three years ago, you have melted our hearts and filled us with uncontrollable laughter and hugs. You entered our lives as our first born, though we never knew that we could love someone so much, we have.

Planes, trains and automobiles abound with enough dirty hands and faces to always make life interesting. The music of thomas the train, caillou, wonder pets, sesame street, and bob the builder stuck in our heads. The tremndous crashes and scrapped knees. You are the quintessential boy.

You are becoming a strong and polite big boy and no longer a baby bear. You will always be our baby bear. May you have a wonderful birthday and many more to come.

Happy Third Birthday!
Love Mommy and Daddy

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just because its Monday..

We all need a little laugh...

Friday, October 9, 2009


I commit to activities with the notion that they are jobs and obligations. I “stress” over these activities and plot them out in my day planner to the minute. Yes, my planner drives my life. I am a mother of 2 small kids, wife, full-time employee, friend, caretaker and volunteer. Really, can anyone do these without needing a planner without going nuts???

Volunteer is a hard word for me to say I am. Instead of thinking of being a Sunday school teacher, a member of the staff council and staff council executive committee as volunteering, but as responsibilities. About a week ago during one of my drives home (which I do a lot of my thinking then), I realized that I was stressed out about everything I was doing because I was thinking of them as needs to do no longer as fun things. I had not notice that my mindset had changed towards these activities to where I was resenting them. Truthfully, I just wanted ME time and need a vacation by myself. Well that is just not going to happen… Well maybe I can plan a day trip somewhere.

So when you think about your life, is your mind, heart, and soul in the right place? I can truthfully say now, yes mine is.

So anyone up for a day away?

Oh Boys! Cont.

After spending close to 45 minutes playing on the John Deere, we headed off to the next farm. This time Bear was asked which one he wanted to go to, with an overwhelming response of COWS, we headed to the cattle farm.

The cattle farm was fun in different ways than the dairy farm. We walked through the barn to view the cows, which Bear was not really interested seeing. This was not what I expected from the reaction in the car. The barn cat however, was a highlight and not only for our clan. There was plenty of farm equipment to look at including a “mac” truck. But the tractor tires filled with corn, wheat and soybeans were by far the best. The boys (yes all of them) took their shoes off and hopped right in. They moved from one tire to the next and back again. I knew that Bear enjoyed playing in corn at Aunt Marla’s and Uncle Ron’s, but I did not realize it was not a one-time thing. Which I am sure Marla is still finding corn all over her house a year later. We finally got everyone’s shoes back on and headed off to look at other farm delicacies. When Bear would not leave his nose alone and began crying…of course I just assumed he was having a little allergy to corn dust (because he gets really stuffy when they begin to plow corn). Finally, I stopped him and looked up his nose….He had a soybean stuck up there!! Seriously how do you get a soybean stuck up your nose???? So with that we ended our farm tour and headed home to find a snot sucker. After a “I think we got it”, a nap and dinner on the table; did I realize “We did not get it”. I was able to cut the end of the snot sucker larger and got the soybean out, with several tears.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh boys!

This is late...of course. A couple weeks ago, we took the boys to the Hancock County Farm Festival. It was a tour of 4 different working family farms and they open up their farms to allow us “city” folk to see how the farms work. The tour included a dairy farm, cattle farm, horse stable, and grain mill.

We decided to take the boys to the dairy farm first, just because we thought it would be cool. (Yes, we are big dorks!) It was a very interesting experience and the boys loved it. They had us put on plastic boot covers over our shoes before entering the grounds. This was such a great idea to protect both the cows and us. We walked through the barn and got to see a baby that had been born that morning, as well as several that had been at the state fair. In one area they had several “ladies” waiting to be milked and at the end of their line was a door with a rope across it, with a very either lonely or nosy cow sticking her head in. One of the owners, said that she had already been milked and probably had a friend in line. Who would have thought cows would break out into “cliques”.

After laughing a little and watching someone make ice cream by generator power churns…we headed over to play on the John Deere. All the boys enjoyed getting to play “farmer”.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A word to the wise...

Why is it when you are down, frustrated, tired, and seemingly alone, that’s when God shakes you to say “Hey, did you forget something?” or “Now, you know I will take care of that.” This past year has been a struggle. I grew up being very self-reliant and accomplishing the goals I had set for myself. I have engrained in myself high work expectations and standards, and I hold others to those standards even if they do not know it. Over the past year God has been “shaking” me to get my attention and I have been fighting it. I know He is right and it is his plan, not mine. But those expectations are really hard to let go of.

I know that trials and tribulation are to make us stronger Christians, but my human-ness wants to throw a two year old tantrum about how it is not fair and ask why when things get really hard. Then I look at family and friends, to find them struggling with a lot of the same issues including those I believe to be strong Christians. I, then, begin to see what God is teaching me. It always amazes me at what God shows me and how my expectations/desires are usually so out of line with his plan.

With everything that has happened over the past year, He has provided and watched over us. His grace has never left our life.

I have come to rely heavily on the following two versus to help me not throw my two year old tantrum.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Good News

For those who know us and how hectic our life is; will be happy to know that my father in law was re-enlisted on the heart transplant list. This is fantastic news and has been a long process. We are so proud of the progress he has made in the last 6 months.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Yeah...Its has been a quick summer

Oh my, how the summer has sped past us. If you asked me, I would tell you it was still June. So let’s play catch-up…

The boys are doing great and growing like weeds. Bubba has started to take over Bear’s clothes, the chucky little guy is now in 24 month/2T clothes and Bear is in 3T. It is so hard to believe that neither of them are babies any more. *Sigh*

Bubba has begun walking in the past two/three weeks and you would never guess that he had problems figuring it out. It was like he got over the fear of balancing himself on Monday and had practiced in his sleep to be a pro on Tuesday.

With as busy as our summer has been, we did not take any trips away. But then with two little ones who are always on the move, can you really travel far? We did get to take Jonah to a Brickyard 400 and several trips to the zoo. We moved Ma-moo closer to us, so now both grandparents are within 10 miles of us.

In June, we got a new puppy (June Bug). She is a labordoodle and is going to be huge. I don’t think we realized how big she was going to be. She is roughly about 6 months old and is already the size of our standard poodle. I have definitely discovered one thing about her…she is as stubborn as a mule.

This fall we will be even more busy than the summer. We do have a trip to the Quad cities planned for the end of October for FIL’s 60th birthday. There will be several more trips to the apple orchard (we have been twice already), we will travel the state for the covered bridge festival in a couple weekends for big shu’s birthday and our 6th wedding anniversary. YES, I did say 6 years! Then we are trying to decide what to do for Bear’s 3rd birthday.

Big shu has been dreaming and strategizing his Christmas light display for months now (yes months, since July actually). I am sure our time with him is going to be very limited over the next couple of weeks. But he has some good ideas and hopefully there will not be an electrocution possibly like last year (like 5000 extension cords running across the ground under snow).

Sorry this is a little quick and irrational, but it was a hurried post.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Boy, have I been slacking in the blogging department (again). Quite a bit has happened in the last month, I have gotten a promotion at work, Jonah is beginning to come out of the terrible two stage and Aiden is beginning the terrible two stage at 13 months.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took the boys to Iowa to tent camp and we have determined that Jonah is definitely our outdoor kid and Aiden enjoys his air conditioning too much.

We left for Iowa Thursday afternoon earlier than we planned due to the reports that Scott County Park was filling up fast (which is was not). We had made plans prior to stay in a hotel Thursday night since we planned to arrive after the park was closed. So Thursday afternoon/evening we set up our campsite and still stayed in the hotel. Friday, we did the normal grocery shopping for the weekend and spent the afternoon at the campsite. This is when we determined that Aiden did not like camping, he was too warm too warm to nap. During the evening, we spent some time with T, M and G. It is shocking that she is already one, time has flown by. For the first night camping, the boys actually did really well for being off their schedules.

Saturday was a great day. We spent the entire day in the park, we took the boys swimming in the morning/most of the afternoon. Aiden LOVED the pool. He is such a water baby. Jonah on the other hand, was not so fond of the pool. He held a death grip on me, but I was able to dunk his a couple of times. :) He did like the sprinklers and sprayers that they had. To which Josh and he played in for a good amount of time. After the pool, we all went back to camp and crashed. That evening we invited all of the clan out to our campsite to have dinner by the campfire. We had a great turnout, we had 30 people out! It was a lot of fun and nice to see most of the family.

Sunday was the beginning of the busy days. We spent the day with the shus and for Aiden to meet his great great aunt Tillie (she's 93 and still lives on the farm by herself). It has been about 6 months since we last seen her. As well, we got to see some cousins that we hardly ever see.

Monday was just crazy. We started with visiting Aunt M and Uncle R, since we were not able to see them on Sat. night. But we did not get to spend enough time with them. :( After we had a shu cookout to attend and we got to spend some time with more cousins we don't get to see enough. Thanks T and B for inviting us over. Finally on Monday, we went to G 1st birthday party. Which was fun until Jonah cut his finger and ripped off half his finger nail, so we had to take him to the emergency room. Thankfully he did have anything broken and did not need stitches, just a little antibiotic cream and bandages.

Tuesday, we packed up and began our way home, with cheers from Aiden. But of course, we had to make a couple of stops before we left town. We had forgotten G gift, so we took it to her. Then we head over to the John Deere Pavilion for the two older boys to play on the tractors.

Oh what a wonderful weekend...I wish there was more long weekends like this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today, Aiden went to the dr. for his 12 month check-up (I know it was a month late, and I am not taking claim to it's late-ness). He is a very chunky 23.6 lbs (50%) and he was 50% in height (Josh did not tell me what his height was). But the poor kid has an ear infection, which explains his grumpy-ness. But with all the teeth that have been popping up in his mouth it is no wonder he has an ear infection.

Earlier this week (Tuesday) it was beautiful outside and I was working from home that afternoon while Josh had a job interview. The boys really enjoyed being able to be outside since it has rained so much here lately. We went through 1 and 1/2 containers of bubbles between the bubble lawnmower and the bubble machine (aka mom).

On a side note: Josh interview went ok, but we have not heard anything back.

Sorry I have not taken any pictures lately. I am slacking again.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What things are important to you?

This was a question that I was asked a couple of weeks ago by a doctor. It made me really think about those things that are important to me and I continue to think about it. I know that my faith, family and friends are important in my life. I began to think about my day dreams of staying home with the boys, eating healthy fresh foods, play groups, bible studies, traveling, quilting, gardening and spending time with family and friends.

But after thinking about this, I realize that I am so caught up in the rush and busy-ness of the day that there never seems to be time to even breath. The days seem to fly by and I sit here wondering what I did yesterday, because I can't remember. I seriously do good not wearing the same outfit to work in one week. With working fulltime, I am always wondering where I can steal time from to spend on something else? But I always seem to neglect something that either needs done, or the boys just need a little more mommy time, or I have one more errand...Ugh!

I am always amazed at how families can handle having one parent stay home with the kids and the other working and be able to have true influence in their children's lives while providing everything they need. How do you afford a house, a car, the utility bills, healthy food, family activities and clothes for the kids (since they seem to have out grown them even before you left the store)?

So I ask you, What things are important to you?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Papa Shu Is Coming Home

Today is a big day in our family. Papa Shu is coming home after being in the hospital and rehab center for a year! Last April Papa Shu had a LVAD (heart device) put in as a bridge to transplant and it has taken him a while to get well enough to come home.

Last night, we did a "trial run" with and took him to dinner at Steak n Shake. Which went pretty well, though MawMaw apparently takes the corners a little to fast-per Papa Shu. John seemed to enjoy being out and really enjoyed having dinner that was not institutional grade (though I hear he likes that kind of food).

For those that know Papa Shu's humor- So last night when Mawmaw wheeled Papa Shu out to the van and opened the door- he remarks "Phew, it smells like our car in there."

So feel free to call him @ home!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Bears- Oh My!

This past Saturday after the Race for the Cure downtown, we took the boys to the zoo for the first time this year (and Aiden's first time ever.) They both had a blast and we spent a good part of the day there before they (and I) had enough. It was really nice weather (74) and the zoo was PACKED.

We rode the train, because you can't get away from it with Jonah. He also was interested in the roller coaster, but he is a little too short (3 more inches).

(see I do exist)
This year the zoo has two new bears (our last one pasted away during the fall), so we went to visit them and Jonah growled at them for 10 mins. It was so cute, because I was probably 30-40 feet away (because of the crowds) and I could hear him.
They have also replaced the shark exhibit from the mishap with a maintenance mistake that killed almost all of the sharks. It is an exhibit that has dog sharks and you are able to pet them as they swim by. It is really cool.
I am looking forward to going later this summer. They are going to have an exhibit on the Komodo Dragons. I have always wanted to see one. Then next summer, they will be having some cheetahs and we seen some work happening in the forest area that has a 2011 date on it, but we do not know what is coming yet. Last year, the Koalas were in the forest area.
So, anyone want to join us? You are more than welcome to come along. :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday Mornings in the Shu house

Saturday Mornings are a peaceful time in the Shu house. I am usually up (just because my body is programed for work wake up time, though it is actually harder to get up during the week.) and the boys are usually sleeping and I have my "me" time. Here are a few views of Saturdays...

(I got caught!) He always wakes up happy...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking kinda a fool

Aiden has started to figure out the joys of walking and is trying to keep up with busy Jonah...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today is truly a day to celebrate..for Jesus has risen and one day we will join him with our Holy Father.

But we also take part in the tradition of Easter and anticipate the arrival of the easter bunny (similar to the anticipation of Santa.) We began the weekend with coloring eggs.

So this year, the boys received one basket to share (to which Jonah does not believe that he is to share this.) from the Easter bunny at our house. The easter bunny left the boys a bible, 2 other story books, teddy grahams, nutter butters, M&Ms, 2 stuffed animals. Ma-Maw Cathy got the boys a stuffed bunny, skittles, and peeps (my favorite) and Ma-Maw Julie got the boys chocolate bunnies and other great selection of nandy (candy-jonah's words).

As an added suprise for Jonah, we went on an easter egg hunt (in the front year)...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy 1st Brithday, Aiden!

Wow it is hard to believe that you are already a year old and no longer a little baby. We wish you the happiest birthday and look forward to many more... Love mommy and daddy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More updates to the house

We have done some more painting and bought new currtains for the livingroom and dining room. I ahve been asked to provide some more pictures and here they are:

Please excuse the mess...we are not finshed painting the room. We are painting the same khaki that is in the livingroom.

I think the curtains go great. Don't you?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

For Easter and Aiden's Birthday, my mom bought the boys bikes. Well, Jonah a bike and Aiden a ride on choo-choo. Jonah would not stay still longer than one picture on the bike. But Aiden was all happy about having his picture taken (plus, his poor legs are not long enough to touch the floor). He is extremely happy. Thank you, Grandma.

It was not planned that he would be in a Thomas outfit when Grandma bought the ride-on. I think it adds to his excitment. Maybe I will have a railroader in the future.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Who would have thought that 2 cups of flour, 2 cups of water, 1 cup of salt, 2 tablespoons of cream of tarter, 2 tablespoons of water, and food coloring would trulybe a magic potion to tame a toddler.

Last weeknd, I decided that I would make some to see how Jonah would like playing with play-dough. We have tried the silly putty and it just turned his hands, clothes, sadly his mouth green. Which by the way is hard to make not green or some shade of green. I was a little afraid that the bold colors made by the food coloring would bleed and turn my house to multi-colored mess, but guess what; They didn't. Yeah, happy momma dance!

I asked Jonah what colors he would like and he choose orange, blue, James red, Pepe (Percy)green, and Ma-mow (Grandma) purple.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Flying high

So for Easter, we got Jonah a kite and the past couple of days have been great to fly a kite. So we brought it out a little early for Jonah to play with...HE HAD A BLAST. Here are some pictures we took:

And of course...it is a Thomas kite.