Well for the past month, Aiden has had the persistent snotty nose, cough, and wheezing. He ped thinks that he might have asthma which is hard to diagnosis at this young of age and reflux (but not as bad as Jonah's). So we have been doing breathing treatments and an oral steroid with him for three weeks with a dr. appointment every week. Then on Tuesday this week, we went to a Pediatric Pulmonologist (lung dr.), she was extremely nice and informative. We have to continue his breathing treatments and she changed his reflux meds from Zantac to Prilosac (which is what Jonah was on). We also have to go get several tests done and of course they can not be done at the same hospital. On Mon., we go to Riley Children's hospital to have a sodium chloride sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis, then on Thurs. we go to St. Vincent Children's hospital to have a Barium Espohogogram and a 3-phase espohogram, then Mon. the 11th we go for his 4 mth checkup and then back to the pulmonologist on Sept. 3rd. Then hopefully I will get a little break in dr. appointments until Oct.
So please keep us in your prays and that everything will come out ok.
Also, pray for my brother, him and his wife are having a boy in Oct but they think he might have downs syndrome or another genetic disorder.
Saying Goodbye
3 years ago
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