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Monday, July 7, 2008

There once was a pork chop

Last week daycare was closed, so my mother in law, sister in law, and aunt in law watched the kids. Yes, it did take all three of them to watch two kids, but we won’t tell daycare that. :)

Jonah was definitely testing his boundaries for the first couple of days and had a hard time taking a nap. Overall they had a good week and Jonah mastered calling Jen- Aunt Jen and she absolutely loved it. He became her little shadow for the week and I became chop liver. But that is ok, truthfully I needed a little break.

Aiden gained his nickname from Aunt Peggy—her little pork chop. I am not sure how the name started but by the middle of the week I was calling him pork chop and he would smile from ear to ear. I truly think she just watched him this week and let the other two take care of Jonah. She has definitely mastered giving him a bottle. She needed a grandma fix and she spoiled both of them.

Daycare is probably loving them today, Aiden wanting to be held continually and Jonah running around like a mad man. Though I did tell them that my mother in law sends her condolences. We’ll see what the report is tonight when we pick them up.

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